*The Multicultural Student Union (MSU), formally known as the BSU, will be having an information meeting today after school from 2:40 - 3:00 PM in Mrs. Johnson's room, C-27. Any student wishing to attend, please arrange for a ride home. Buses will not be available.
*The Multicultural Student Union (MSU), formally known as the BSU, will be having an information meeting today after school from 2:40 - 3:00 PM in Mrs. Johnson's room, C-27. Any student wishing to attend, please arrange for a ride home. Buses will not be available.
*Pathfinders will be hosting the Activities Fair on Wednesday, September 21st and are looking for club members to host tables at the fair to promote their club. Sign up to host a club table by using the QR codes posted around the building. You can also get the form through the @jhspathfinders Instagram bio. All club table sign-ups are due by this Thursday, September 15th.
READ BY A STUDENT: *Are you interested in business, traveling, scholarships, and having fun? Join DECA! There will be an info meeting Wednesday after school. Meet in Mr. Roesler's room, B110, and enjoy free pizza. See you there.