*NHS: There will be a National Honor Society meeting this Wednesday, September 21st after school at 2:15. This meeting is mandatory for all NHS members.
*NHS: There will be a National Honor Society meeting this Wednesday, September 21st after school at 2:15. This meeting is mandatory for all NHS members.
*DECA: There will be a DECA meeting tomorrow after school in room B110. Come and join us!
*The Jefferson Theater Company is currently holding auditions for Miracle on 34th Street. Register to audition at Send in a digital copy of you performing a monologue by this Friday, September 23rd. Audition videos can be sent to Laura Schmit (
*This week's remaining college visits:
Marquette University
Grand Canyon University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Bemidji State University
University of Northwestern, St. Paul
You can register to attend on Naviance.
*HOMECOMING DANCE: If you’re planning to bring a guest from an outside school to the Homecoming Dance, be sure to pick up a guest form in the main office as soon as possible. You will not be allowed to purchase a ticket for your guest until the form has been completed and returned to us by your guest’s school. Forms must be returned by October 4th.
*HOMECOMING COURT NOMINATIONS: Today is the last day to nominate your peers for Homecoming Court. Be sure to use the QR codes posted in the school and register your nomination before school ends today.