*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer, artist, or photographer looking for a place to share your creative work, consider submitting your poetry, short stories, memoirs, plays, visual art, photography and more to Jefferson’s literary magazine, The Crooked Quill. Send your submissions to by Friday, February 3rd. If you have questions, contact Mr. Hupton. We can’t wait to see all of your great creative work.
*The Jefferson Theater Company will be putting on their production of TINKERBELL this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Tickets for this family-friendly production are on sale now. Go to for showtimes and tickets.
*PICTURE RETAKES/MAKE UP: Picture retake day will be this coming Monday, October 17. If you have not had your picture taken yet or if you would like to have your picture retaken, this will be your last opportunity. You won’t get a student ID if you don’t have a picture taken! This includes seniors! Ask a teacher or see the posted schedule outside of the main office for your assigned picture time.
*LOST AND FOUND: Be sure to check in the main office for your lost items. We have had many water bottles, lunch bags, clothing items, and electronics turned in lately and would love for you to come and claim them! This also includes jewelry and other items that were left at the Homecoming dance. Be sure to stop by!