*COLLEGE VISITS: Sign up for a Career Center college visit! Next week’s representatives come to us from the University of North Dakota, St. Catherine University, and Iowa State University. Sign up on Naviance to attend a meeting.
*CAREER SPEAKER: If you’d like to know more about a career in Environmental Health, you can learn more about opportunities in this field next Thursday, November 10th during ASEM. Sign up on Naviance if you’d like to attend.
*COLLEGE VISITS: Sign up for a Career Center college visit! Next week’s representatives come to us from the University of North Dakota, St. Catherine University, and Iowa State University. Sign up on Naviance to attend a meeting.
*LOST AND FOUND: Today is the last day to check the Lost and Found for your missing items. Check the tables in Flag Hall or ask in the main office. Items not claimed by the end of the school day will be donated or repurposed.
*TRIMESTER 2 PARKING: Register soon for your Trimester 2 parking permit. Go to the JHS website, click on Resources, and then click on the gold-colored parking registration button. Once you have registered for a permit, you will be able to pick it up in the JHS main office during finals week. Remember, your Trimester 1 permit will no longer be valid after finals week!