*PSEO: Students interested in PSEO for next year should attend an informational meeting this Wednesday in the auditorium during Advisory. Please go directly to the auditorium, you do not need to go to Advisory first.
*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer, artist, or photographer you should consider submitting your work to The Crooked Quill, Jefferson's literary arts magazine. They will accept poetry, short stories, memoirs, plays, visual art, photography and more. Send your submissions to The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 3rd! If you have any questions, contact Mr. Hupton.
*PARKING: Reminder! If you are driving to school, you must have a trimester 2 parking permit displayed from your rearview mirror. Remember that your permit allows you to park in any of the 3 student lots: the main student lot, the Activity Center Lot or the Olson lot across the street from our tennis courts. We are having issues with students parking in the staff lot, visitors area, and other restricted spots. We will be ticketing cars that are not parked in the designated student lots and cars that don’t have a current trimester permit.
*MOVIE EVENT: The Latino Hispanic Student Union is hosting a movie event after school today and they are hoping to gain new members in the process! They will be showing the film Spy Kids in Mrs. Schmaltz room, C14. There will be snacks and homework help available to those who show up. Come and support the LHSU! Follow them on social media for more details @jhslhsu.
*PSEO: Students interested in PSEO for next year should attend an informational meeting this Wednesday in the auditorium during Advisory. Please go directly to the auditorium, you do not need to go to Advisory first.
*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer, artist, or photographer you should consider submitting your work to The Crooked Quill, Jefferson's literary arts magazine. They will accept poetry, short stories, memoirs, plays, visual art, photography and more. Send your submissions to The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 3rd! If you have any questions, contact Mr. Hupton.
*PARKING: Reminder! If you are driving to school, you must have a trimester 2 parking permit displayed from your rearview mirror. Remember that your permit allows you to park in any of the 3 student lots: the main student lot, the Activity Center Lot or the Olson lot across the street from our tennis courts. We are having issues with students parking in the staff lot, visitors area, and other restricted spots. We will be ticketing cars that are not parked in the designated student lots and cars that don’t have a current trimester permit.