March 1, 2023

**REMINDER! Thursday and Friday, March 2-3, are final exam days for Trimester 2. Students will be released from school at 12:15 with an option of staying for lunch from 12:15-12:45. If student have their own transportation, they will be free to leave the building at 12:15. Buses will leave Jefferson at approximately 12:50.

*There will be a Girls Volleyball Player Meeting for all players entering grades 7-12 in fall ‘23. The meeting is today at 2:45pm in the Jefferson Media Center.

*Boys interested in playing Jefferson Boys Volleyball this spring should attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, March 8 at 2:45 PM in room B104.  See Mr. Sieling in B104 for more information.

*Attention Boys JV and Varsity Hockey players! Your equipment needs to be turned in today after school at 2:45 on the athletic side of the boys locker room.  

*There will be No JAG POWER on Thursday this week.


*Important reminder about PGP’s! Students, please complete your required trimester 2 career and college readiness activities. Remember, all activities must be completed in order to graduate. Just find PGP Course 9, 10, 11, or 12. Click on Modules and make sure you have completed everything. Make an appointment with Ms. Wallerick if you have any questions.

The LHSU will be showing Spiderman: Into the Spider-verse in order to celebrate afro-latino representation. Join them today after school in room C14 beginning at 3PM for the movie, popcorn, and Mexican candies. If you choose to attend you will need to provide your own transportation home. 

*Register now for your trimester 3 parking permit. Your trimester 2 permit will no longer be valid after finals this week. If you have already registered for your trimester 3 permit, please pick it up at the main office as soon as possible.