*If you’re interested in learning more about North Dakota State College of Science, sign up on Naviance to attend this Thursday’s information session.
*If you are interested in careers in Transportation, consider going on a field trip to Hennepin Tech on Tuesday, April 11. Register by filling out the Google Form at the posted QR code.
*PATHFINDERS: Attention sophomores and juniors! Become a Pathfinder for the ‘23-’24 school year! Come to the information session today after school at 2:45 in C113, or see the QR code on the TVs to take you to the Pathfinder Canvas page. See Ms. Lauer in C112 or Mr. Meyering in C113 if you have any questions.
*MCA TESTING: 10th and 11th grade students need to be in their testing classroom by 7:50 tomorrow morning. You can find your testing location in Flag Hall or outside the Main Office. Lunch will be available after the test. Buses will be leaving Jefferson at 10:30. Please check your email for extra information. 9th and 12th grade students - you will have an asynchronous learning day tomorrow; it is not a day off! Please use Canvas to check for your assignments.