April 12, 2023

*Congratulations to the Bloomington Robotics team for their alliance placing 5th place at the 10,000 Lakes competition! Team Bjorg also placed 14th overall out of 61 teams. The team will also be competing at the state tournament on Saturday, May 6th. Great job team Bjorg!

*CHESS CLUB: A doubles chess tournament will be held next month by our school Chess Club. You can get more details and sign up by attending the Chess Club meeting tomorrow after school in the red flex space, which is open to all, no sign-up needed.


*JHS DROP IN: Starting next week through the end of the school year, JHS Drop IN will only be open Wednesdays and Thursdays after school - there will be no more Tuesdays.

*BLOOD DRIVE: Students - our Spring Blood Drive is coming up next week on Wednesday April 19th!  If you're 16 years old, you can donate with a parent's permission. If you are 17 or older you can choose to donate on your own. To sign up, find one of the many posters in the hallway and scan the QR code.  If you need a parent permission slip, find the table in the lunchroom or go to the main office to pick one up.  One quick note -the Blood Drive posters were printed incorrectly, and many say "Tuesday" the 19th when they should say WEDNESDAY the 19th. Our apologies for the mistake! The drive will, in fact, be on Wednesday of next week. Please consider donating a pint of your life-saving blood!