For Show Choir, choose between today after school in the Jefferson Choir Room, Wednesday after school at the Olson MS choir room, or Friday after school in the Oak Grove MS Choir room. If you play an instrument and want to meet the show band director from School of Rock, you’re invited to come learn more this coming Thursday after school in the Jefferson choir room. For more information about auditions, see the posters hanging up by the choir and orchestra rooms.
*ACT EXAM: Juniors! You will be taking the ACT exam tomorrow, April 26th. See your email for important information about the day. The email will include your room assignment and information on what you need to bring with you, which includes your fully-charged school Chromebook. Report to your assigned room no later than 7:50 tomorrow morning. Again, check your email for important ACT information and instructions.
*E-LEARNING DAY: Students in grades 9, 10, and 12: Tomorrow, April 26 will be an e-learning day. You do not need to report to school, but you are expected to complete assignments from home. It is not a "free day!"
*INFO FOR SENIORS: Seniors, PLEASE read your email from Ms. Wallerick to find information about submitting your senior survey in Naviance, your scholarship form and your photo for the May 1 Senior Slideshow. We need this by the end of the school day this Wednesday, April 26. Thank you!
*PROM: Prom ticket pre-registration is now open. Register for prom using the QR code on the monitors or at the main office. You must be pre-registered in order to buy a ticket. Remember, all fees and obligations must be taken care of before you will be allowed to purchase your ticket. Tickets will be available for pick-up in the main office beginning on Wednesday, May 3rd. If you plan on bringing an outside guest to this year’s prom, please come to the main office as soon as possible to pick up a guest form. All forms must be processed and returned to us by your guest’s school no later than May 10th, two days before the dance.