*Prom ticket pre-registration is now open. Register for prom using the QR code online, on the monitors, at the main office, or on the posters around school. You must be pre-registered in order to buy a ticket. Remember, all fees and obligations must be taken care of before you will be allowed to purchase your ticket. If you plan on bringing an outside guest to this year’s prom, please come to the main office as soon as possible to pick up a guest form. It takes time for schools to process and return the form to us, so don't delay! Dance tickets are $35 each and you will be able to pick up and pay for your tickets beginning next Wednesday, May 3rd.
*Chess Club meets after school today in the Red Flex, where you can also sign up for the doubles Chess tournament in May. Come check it out!
*Prom ticket pre-registration is now open. Register for prom using the QR code online, on the monitors, at the main office, or on the posters around school. You must be pre-registered in order to buy a ticket. Remember, all fees and obligations must be taken care of before you will be allowed to purchase your ticket. If you plan on bringing an outside guest to this year’s prom, please come to the main office as soon as possible to pick up a guest form. It takes time for schools to process and return the form to us, so don't delay! Dance tickets are $35 each and you will be able to pick up and pay for your tickets beginning next Wednesday, May 3rd.