September 21, 2023

*Attention NHS students! Your first NHS meeting is today at 2:25 in the back of the Media Center. Contact Ms. Moe if you have any questions or concerns.

*Interested in Debate? Check out a practice round today at 4:00 PM in room C20 to see if you’re interested in joining the team. 

*The Chess Club meets today after school in Red Flex. Sign-ups for the Chess Team will be given out at that time as well.


*Be sure to pre-register to reserve your Homecoming ticket before the September 28th deadline while tickets still cost $15. The ticket price will go up to $20 per ticket after that date. If you’re bringing a guest from another school, get your guest form from the main office as soon as possible. If you miss the return deadline of October 3rd, you will not be able to bring a guest. It takes time for your guest’s school to process and return the form to us, so don’t wait until the last minute. 

*Calling all boys who want to play volleyball: Sign up for the 5th annual Powderbuff boys volleyball tournament this week or next week at lunch. The Powderbuff tournament will take place on Wednesday, October 4 at 7:00 PM in the main gym. The cost is $20 and will get you a spot on your grade-level team and a t-shirt.  Extra proceeds will go toward the Jefferson boys volleyball team this spring.