*Freshman, if you are interested in joining Student Council please pick up an application in the main office. Completed applications will be due on Tuesday, October 17th. See Ms. Ahlberg with any questions.
*Any Boys JV and B-Squad soccer players who have not turned in their lock and uniform, please do so right after school today in the boys locker room.
*Representatives from the following college/universities will hold information meetings in the College/Career Center next week and the following week:
MN State University, Mankato
Concordia College, Moorhead
University of Minnesota
University of Kansas
Cornell College, Iowa
Gustavus Adolphus
University of Wisconsin, River Falls
St. Olaf
Please sign up on Naviance as soon as possible if you’re interested in attending one or more of the sessions.
*Are you interested in a career in AVIATION? Learn more about career opportunities in this field on Thursday, October 26 during ASEM. Sign up on Naviance if you would like to attend.
*Picture retake day is next Tuesday, October 17th for any student who has not had their picture taken this year or who would like a retake of their original picture. This is your last chance to have your picture taken and get a student ID for this school year, so don’t miss it!
*We are celebrating Unity Day on Tuesday, October 17th and encourage students and staff to wear ORANGE on that day to show support for the acceptance, inclusion and kindness of all students, and to stand up against bullying. If you don’t have anything orange, feel free to wear your Jefferson gear. Thank you, in advance, for your participation.