Equipment Return: This Monday (Nov. 13) after school is the last opportunity for all boys football, soccer, and cross country athletes to turn in their uniforms and locks before it becomes a fine on their student account. Items should be returned to the locker room. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Walton in room C-06.
*Congratulations to the Girls Swim and Dive team for their performance at Sections on Wednesday. Special congratulations to the individual swimmers who made it to Section Finals: Selma Jaffri, Claire Briest, and Ana Sorenson. Good luck tonight at the Section Finals!
*Parking Permits: Don’t forget to register for your Trimester 2 parking permit. Your current permit will no longer be valid after the upcoming finals. You are expected to have your Tri 2 permit in your car on the first day of the new trimester. Those who have already registered for their new permit can pick it up in the main office beginning on Monday.
*Lost and Found: Today is the last day to check the Lost and Found tables for your missing items. Anything left will be repurposed or donated.