*SPEECH TEAM MEETING: Do you like acting, writing, reading, debating, being funny, being dramatic, or just like to talk? Or, if you want to get better at all of those things, then join the Bloomington Speech Team! Come to their informational meeting this Wednesday, November 29. You can either attend during advisory in the auditorium or after school in B104. See Mr. Sieling in B104 for more information.
*SPEECH TEAM MEETING: Do you like acting, writing, reading, debating, being funny, being dramatic, or just like to talk? Or, if you want to get better at all of those things, then join the Bloomington Speech Team! Come to their informational meeting this Wednesday, November 29. You can either attend during advisory in the auditorium or after school in B104. See Mr. Sieling in B104 for more information.
*Forensic Science Students! Mr. Sufka and Mr. Walton's 6th hour Forensic Science students should meet in the back pod of the auditorium for class today.