January 30, 2024

*PICKLEBALL FUNDRAISERAre you looking for a fun, locally-hosted pickleball tournament for charity? On Saturday, February 10 there will be a pickleball tournament to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association! Bloomington DECA will be hosting a morning tournament for beginners and an afternoon tournament for experienced players. You can find more information and sign-up details on posters around the school, or visit the Horizon Hopes Campaign account on Instagram.

*CONGRATULATIONS CHEER TEAM! The Jefferson Varsity Cheer Team won 1st place in both Game Day and Traditional at the state tournament this past weekend. This was their last competition before they leave for nationals in Florida where they will compete for their 5th national title the weekend of February 9th. Best of luck, Cheer Team!

*CLASS REGISTRATION: Attention 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students: the deadline to register for next year's classes is this Friday, February 2nd. Please make sure you have entered your desired classes into your Academic Plan on Infinite Campus. Counselors will be visiting classes this week to make sure you have completed this process. Please note that a new music course for next year called World Drumming was not included on your blue registration sheet. You can find this course in the Fine Arts section of your academic plan.