*THRIFT EXCHANGE: Earth Corps is collecting books and clothes (except for undergarments) for their Thrift Exchange on Saturday, March 16th from 12-4 pm. Drop off donations in the main office for a chance to win a TJ Coffeehouse coupon!
*CONGRATULATIONS to the Jefferson Speech Team finalists from the Eastview Tournament: Kailey Tan, Amelia Busse, Kehan Chen, and Sorin Czoschke. Great job, speech team!
*CONGRATULATIONS to the Jefferson Show Choirs and Show Band for their triumphant end to a great season. On Saturday, Jive took home its third 2nd place trophy, and for only the 2nd time in 10 years, Connection made finals in every competition in a given season. Way to represent Jefferson!
*BOYS GOLF MEETING: There will be a Boys Golf meeting tomorrow for any boys interested in playing golf this spring. The meeting will be held in room C28 right after school. Please see Mr. Schram if you have any questions or if you are unable to attend the meeting.
*TRIMESTER 3 PARKING: If you have registered for your Tri 3 parking permit, you may now pick it up in the main office. Permits need to be displayed in your car starting the first day of the trimester. If you haven’t registered for your permit yet, we encourage you to get it done as quickly as possible!