April 22, 2024

*SHOW CHOIR AUDITIONS: This week the Jefferson Show Choirs will be holding auditions for JIVE, Connection and our Show Band. They encourage all those who are auditioning or want more information to scan the Audition Posters outside of the choir room and fill out the online application form. See Mr. Ohnsorg if you have any questions. They hope to see you at auditions at 3 PM this Thursday, April 25th!

*SUMMER JAG POWER: All students! If you are interested in Summer Jag Power, registration is now open. You can sign up on the school activities website or see Wyatt in the hallways for more information.
*PROM TICKET RESERVATIONS: Juniors and Seniors! Don’t forget to pre-register for PROM! Use one of the posted QR codes and reserve your ticket as soon as possible. Remember, you don’t have to pay when you pre-register, only when you actually pick up your ticket, so go ahead and put in your reservation today.