November 20, 2024

*FINAL EXAMS: Trimester 1 final exams are this Thursday and Friday, November 21 & 22. There will be early dismissal on both days with school ending at 12:15 pm. An optional lunch will be available after dismissal. For bus riders, the buses will be leaving Jefferson at 12:45 pm. FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE

*SPEECH TEAM INFO MEETING: If you like to act, argue, speak, or get better at all of those, come to the speech team informational meeting on Monday, November 25 from 2:45 PM to 3:15 PM in room B104. See Mr. Sieling for more information.

*TRIMESTER 2 PARKING PERMITS ARE READY! If you have registered for your Tri 2 parking permit, it is now ready for you in the main office. Stop by as soon as possible to get your permit. All drivers are expected to have the new permit in their car starting on Monday, November 25th. If you haven’t registered for your permit, don’t delay any longer!