January 31, 2025

*TJ COFFEEHOUSE today beginning at 8:15 AM.

*JOB FAIR: We're excited to announce our upcoming Summer Job Fair, designed to connect you with employers eager to hire students like you for summer opportunities.
This event will feature approximately 30 employers, all ready to help you take the next step toward gaining valuable work experience, financial independence, and even a head start on your future career path.
Event Details:
Date/Location: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 in the Main Gym
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
If you’re interested in attending, please fill out this Registration form to secure your spot.

*ONE-ACT PLAY: Jefferson Theatre Company is putting on their competitive one-act play, Dark Roads, today at 4pm and 7pm. You can buy tickets in advance for $10 or get them at the door for $12. Don’t miss it!

*SENIOR ACHIEVEMENT NOMINATIONS:  Nominations are open for the BPS Senior Achievement Awards. Nominate an outstanding senior by Feb. 14.  Nomination forms and more information can be found at bit.ly/bps-saa25

*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer or artist, please consider submitting work to the Jefferson Literary Magazine, The Crooked Quill. We accept poetry, short stories, short memoirs, visual art, photography, etc. The deadline to submit is February 20. Please send any submission to jeffersonlitmagazine@gmail.com.

VIDEO CONTEST: Create a video that highlights the importance of MANUFACTURING IN MN for your chance to win prizes up to $750. The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2025. Scan the QR code on the school slideshow for more information.

January 30, 2025

*TODAY: BLOCK SCHEDULE (2,4,6) and ASEM.  Be sure to check your schedule for your ASEM room assignment.

*EARTH CORPS: There will be an EarthCorps meeting today after school in room C26.

*JOB FAIR: We're excited to announce our upcoming Summer Job Fair, designed to connect you with employers eager to hire students like you for summer opportunities.

This event will feature approximately 30 employers, all ready to help you take the next step toward gaining valuable work experience, financial independence, and even a head start on your future career path.

Event Details:
Date/Location: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 in the Main Gym
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM

If you’re interested in attending, please fill out this Registration form to secure your spot.

*ONE-ACT PLAY: Jefferson Theatre Company is putting on their competitive one-act play, Dark Roads, this Friday at 4pm and 7pm. You can buy tickets in advance for $10 or get them at the door for $12. Don’t miss it!

*TJ COFFEEHOUSE: We are excited to announce that TJ Coffeehouse will be returning this Friday, January 31, starting at 8:15 AM. We invite you to join them for your favorite treats and beverages. See you there!

*SENIOR ACHIEVEMENT NOMINATIONS:  Nominations are open for the BPS Senior Achievement Awards. Nominate an outstanding senior by Feb. 14.  Nomination forms and more information can be found at bit.ly/bps-saa25

January 29, 2025

*TODAY: BLOCK SCHEDULE (1,3,5) and ADVISORY. Class registration begins today during Advisory.

*JOB FAIR: We're excited to announce our upcoming Summer Job Fair, designed to connect you with employers eager to hire students like you for summer opportunities.
This event will feature approximately 30 employers, all ready to help you take the next step toward gaining valuable work experience, financial independence, and even a head start on your future career path.
Event Details:
Date/Location: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 in the Main Gym
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
If you’re interested in attending, please fill out this Registration form to secure your spot.

*ONE-ACT PLAY: Jefferson Theatre Company is putting on their competitive one-act play, Dark Roads, this Friday at 4pm and 7pm. You can buy tickets in advance for $10 or get them at the door for $12. Don’t miss it!

*SENIOR ACHIEVEMENT NOMINATIONS:  Nominations are open for the BPS Senior Achievement Awards. Nominate an outstanding senior by Feb. 14.  Nomination forms and more information can be found at bit.ly/bps-saa25

*TJ COFFEEHOUSE: We are excited to announce that TJ Coffeehouse will be returning this Friday, January 31, starting at 8:15 AM. We invite you to join them for your favorite treats and beverages. See you there!

January 28, 2025

*ONE-ACT PLAY: Jefferson Theatre Company is putting on their competitive one-act play, Dark Roads, this Friday at 4pm and 7pm. You can buy tickets in advance for $10 or get them at the door for $12. Don’t miss it!

*HOMEWORK HELP REMINDER! Students, please remember - you've got some awesome staff to help you with any homework or study help after school on Tuesday and Thursday THIS WEEK. We look forward to seeing you there!

*SENIOR ACHIEVEMENT NOMINATIONS:  Nominations are open for the BPS Senior Achievement Awards. Nominate an outstanding senior by Feb. 14.  Nomination forms and more information can be found at bit.ly/bps-saa25

January 27, 2025

*HOMEWORK HELP REMINDER! Students, please remember - you've got some awesome staff to help you with any homework or study help after school on Tuesday and Thursday THIS WEEK. We look forward to seeing you there!

*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer or artist, please consider submitting work to the Jefferson Literary Magazine, The Crooked Quill. We accept poetry, short stories, short memoirs, visual art, photography, etc. The deadline to submit is February 20. Please send any submission to jeffersonlitmagazine@gmail.com.

January 24, 2025

*ACCESS TESTING: Just a friendly reminder for those who are signed up for ACCESS testing: make sure to head straight to your testing location on Monday morning, January 27. Don’t forget to bring your fully charged Chromebook and, if you can, some plug-in headphones.

*BANDCAKE BREAKFAST AND SILENT AUCTION:  The 9th Annual Bandcake Breakfast and Silent Auction will be held on Saturday, January 25, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. This event features a delicious pancake breakfast accompanied by live musical performances from the talented JHS band students. Tickets are $10 at the door, with take-out options available. Join us for a morning of great food, wonderful music, and community support for our hardworking young musicians. We can’t wait to see you there!

*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer or artist, please consider submitting work to the Jefferson Literary Magazine, The Crooked Quill. We accept poetry, short stories, short memoirs, visual art, photography, etc. The deadline to submit is February 20. Please send any submission to jeffersonlitmagazine@gmail.com.

January 23, 2025

 *PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES are today from 3:30 - 7:30 PM. 

*ACCESS TESTING: Just a friendly reminder for those who are signed up for ACCESS testing: make sure to head straight to your testing location on Monday morning, January 27. Don’t forget to bring your fully charged Chromebook and, if you can, some plug-in headphones.

*BANDCAKE BREAKFAST AND SILENT AUCTION:  The 9th Annual Bandcake Breakfast and Silent Auction will be held on Saturday, January 25, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. This event features a delicious pancake breakfast accompanied by live musical performances from the talented JHS band students. Tickets are $10 at the door, with take-out options available. Join us for a morning of great food, wonderful music, and community support for our hardworking young musicians. We can’t wait to see you there!

*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer or artist, please consider submitting work to the Jefferson Literary Magazine, The Crooked Quill. We accept poetry, short stories, short memoirs, visual art, photography, etc. The deadline to submit is February 20. Please send any submission to jeffersonlitmagazine@gmail.com.

January 22, 2025

*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer or artist, please consider submitting work to the Jefferson Literary Magazine, The Crooked Quill. We accept poetry, short stories, short memoirs, visual art, photography, etc. The deadline to submit is February 20. Please send any submission to jeffersonlitmagazine@gmail.com.
*PRACTICE ACT EXAM:  Registration is open for the Practice ACT Test, a fundraiser for Bloomington DECA.
Test Details: Saturday, January 25th from 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM at JHS Registration Link:
See the JHS website for more information.
*FOR PARENTS OF THE CLASS OF 2026, 2027, and 2028:
We are excited to invite you to an informational College Planning Workshop during Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, January 23. The workshop will be held in the auditorium from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM and will feature JHS counselors and financial expert Matt Forsman.
Please register here to reserve your seat, as space is limited. This meeting will not be recorded.

January 17, 2025

 *DESSERT AND A SHOW:  Join the JHS Show Choirs this Saturday, January 18 for an evening of show choir performances, delectable desserts, and a chance to win fantastic prizes at the silent auction. $15 presale tickets are available by using the posted QR code. 

*FOR PARENTS OF THE CLASS OF 2026, 2027, and 2028:
We are excited to invite you to an informational College Planning Workshop during Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, January 23. The workshop will be held in the auditorium from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM, and will feature JHS counselors and financial expert Matt Forsman.
Please register here to reserve your seat, as space is limited. This meeting will not be recorded.

*THRIFT EXCHANGE:  Earth Corps is hosting a Thrift Exchange on Saturday, January 18th from 12:00 - 4:00 PM in the media center. They will be selling used clothing and artwork at affordable prices. You can also buy clothing during lunch on Friday, January 17th.

*Have a great LONG weekend! We look forward to seeing you back on Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025.

January 16, 2025

*HOMEWORK HELP REMINDER!  Students, please remember - you've got some awesome staff to help you with any homework or study help after school on Tuesday and Thursday THIS WEEK. We look forward to seeing you there!

*DESSERT AND A SHOW:  Join the JHS Show Choirs on Saturday, January 18 for an evening of show choir performances, delectable desserts, and a chance to win fantastic prizes at the silent auction. $15 presale tickets are available by using the posted QR code. 

*THRIFT EXCHANGE:  Earth Corps is hosting a Thrift Exchange on Saturday, January 18th from 12:00 - 4:00 PM in the media center. They will be selling used clothing and artwork at affordable prices. You can also buy clothing during lunch on Friday, January 17th.

January 15, 2025

*TODAY: Block Schedule (periods 1,3,5) + ASEM. Please check your schedule for your ASEM room assignment for today.

*HOMEWORK HELP REMINDER!  Students, please remember - you've got some awesome staff to help you with any homework or study help after school on Tuesday and Thursday THIS WEEK. We look forward to seeing you there!

*DESSERT AND A SHOW:  Join the JHS Show Choirs this Saturday, January 25 for an evening of show choir performances, delectable desserts, and a chance to win fantastic prizes at the silent auction. $15 presale tickets are available by using the posted QR code. 

*THRIFT EXCHANGE:  Earth Corps is hosting a Thrift Exchange on Saturday, January 18th from 12:00 - 4:00 PM in the media center. They will be selling used clothing and artwork at affordable prices. You can also buy clothing during lunch on Friday, January 17th. If you have clothing you would like to donate, please drop it off in the main office by Wednesday, January 15th in the afternoon.

January 14, 2025

*FOR PARENTS OF THE CLASS OF 2026, 2027, and 2028:
We are excited to invite you to an informational College Planning Workshop during Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, January 23. The workshop will be held in the auditorium from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM, and will feature JHS counselors and financial expert Matt Forsman.
Please register here to reserve your seat, as space is limited. This meeting will not be recorded.

*GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD MEETING: Jan 16 during ASEM (9:55 AM start) in C19.

*BOYS TRACK AND FIELD MEETING: Jan. 16 during ASEM (9:55) in C127. 

*THRIFT EXCHANGE: Earth Corps is hosting a Thrift Exchange on Saturday, January 18th from 12:00 - 4:00 PM in the media center. They will be selling used clothing and artwork at affordable prices. You can also buy clothing during lunch on Friday, January 17th. If you have clothing you would like to donate, please drop it off in the main office by Wednesday, January 15th in the afternoon.

*PRACTICE ACT EXAM:  Registration is open for the Practice ACT Test, a fundraiser for Bloomington DECA.
Test Details: Saturday, January 25th from 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM at JHS Registration Link:
See the JHS website for more information.