February 13, 2025

*TODAY: Block Schedule (2,4,6) + ASEM

*CONGRATULATIONS TO SENIOR JENNY WEN who is a National Honorable Mention recipient of the 2025 Aspirations in Computing High School Award program, presented by the National Center for Women and Information Technology. Way to go, Jenny!

*RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS WEEK IS FEBRUARY 9-15: Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week and Day were created to promote kindness and inspire positive actions. RAK Day started in 1995 by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation and is celebrated on February 17 each year. It encourages small, thoughtful acts that spread positivity. Do something kind for someone this week! 

*LOST AND FOUND: Be sure to check the Lost and Found tables in Flag Hall for your missing water bottles, lunch bags, and clothing. Check in the main office for smaller, more valuable items such as electronics, keys, and jewelry. Any item unclaimed by the end of the school day on Friday (2/14) may be donated or repurposed.

*GIRLS GOLF MEETING on Friday, 2/14 at 2:37 in room C23. This is a brief but important meeting!

*BOYS GOLF MEETING after school on Tuesday, 2/18 in room C28. The meeting is open to anyone interested in playing golf this spring.

*SENIOR ACHIEVEMENT NOMINATIONS:  Nominations are open for the BPS Senior Achievement Awards. Nominate an outstanding senior by Feb. 14.  Nomination forms and more information can be found at bit.ly/bps-saa25

*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer or artist, please consider submitting work to the Jefferson Literary Magazine, The Crooked Quill. We accept poetry, short stories, short memoirs, visual art, photography, etc. The deadline to submit is February 20. Please send any submission to jeffersonlitmagazine@gmail.com.

*SPIRIT WEEK: 2/10-2/14

  Monday is RED DAY

  Tuesday is TWIN DAY

  Wednesday is WE LOVE JEFFERSON (Blue and White) DAY


  Friday is PINK DAY