HOMECOMING GUESTS: If you’re planning to bring a guest from an outside school to the Homecoming Dance, be sure to pick up a guest form in the main office as soon as possible. You will not be allowed to purchase a ticket for your guest until the form has been completed and returned to us by your guest’s school. Forms must be returned by October 4th.
NEW TO ATHLETICS: Starting at tonight's game, all students will need to show a student ID when purchasing a ticket for any home football game. If you have an athletic season pass, you will need to report to the ticket booth to show them your ID and your pass. They will then give you a ticket for entry at the gate. If you do not have your school ID, you may present the ticket booth with your Infinite Campus profile.
HOMECOMING COURT: Check your email today to vote for the classmates that will represent you on the Homecoming Court. Winners will be announced on Monday. Voting for the Senior Royalty will be next Friday.