*SCIENCE OLYMPIAD: For all students interested in joining Science Olympiad, there will be a non-commitment informational meeting this Wednesday after school in room C127, Mr. Leverenz's room.
*POWDERBUFF VOLLEYBALL: Boys who want to play in our Homecoming Powderbuff Volleyball tournament can sign up during lunch on Monday and Tuesday of this week. The cost is $20, which includes a T-shirt as long as you have signed up by the end of the school day on Tuesday. See Mr. Sieling in B104 if you have any questions.
*If you’re interested in learning more about Gustavus Adolphus College, sign up on Naviance for tomorrow’s college visit meeting.
*If you’re interested in learning more about Gustavus Adolphus College, sign up on Naviance for tomorrow’s college visit meeting.
*The Testing Center in room C9 is now open for the school year.
*The Testing Center in room C9 is now open for the school year.
*HOMECOMING DANCE GUEST FORMS: Don’t forget to pick up your dance guest form in the main office if you plan to bring an outside guest to the Homecoming dance. Processing the form takes some time. Please don’t wait until the last day or you may not be able to bring your guest! Forms must be faxed back to the main office by next Tuesday, October 4th.