October 18, 2022

*SOCCER: All boys soccer players! Please turn in your uniform, equipment, and lock today right after school in the boys locker room.

*LHSU: The Latinx Hispanic Student Union or LHSU would like to welcome everyone to join them for their first meeting in room C14 on Monday after school. This introductory meeting will help give focus to the LHSU and allow everyone to meet each other. They will have some activities and prizes for those who attend and look forward to seeing you there! See Ms. Schmaltz with any questions. 


*FOOTBALL AT TCO: Just a friendly reminder that there are no passes of any kind allowed at the football game tonight. You must purchase a ticket online; cash will not be accepted at the venue. You’ll find the link to purchase tickets in your email or you may use the QR code provided at the game.