October 25, 2022

*CROSS COUNTRY: Boys JV Cross Country equipment turn-in is today right after school on the athletic side of the boys locker room.

*STUDENT COUNCIL VOTING: Freshmen, if you’d like to vote for your Student Council representative, please use the QR codes posted in hallways. The last day to vote is this Thursday.


COLLEGE VISITS: Sign up on Naviance for a college representative visit. Choose from the following college/university meetings for this week:

The University of St. Thomas

St. Olaf College

North Dakota State University

Savannah College of Art and Design

Carroll University

University of MN, Duluth

University of Wisconsin, Platteville


*STUDENT ID’s: Students, if you had your picture taken on the picture retake day last week, your students ID is ready. You can pick up your ID in the main office.