October 26, 2022

*STUDENT COUNCIL: Freshmen, if you’d like to vote for your Student Council representative, please use the QR codes posted in hallways. The last day to vote is this Thursday.

*JHS DROP-IN: Did you know that there is a place to go after school to get organization, planning, and homework help? Are you looking for a quiet place to work or relax? Or maybe you’d like to request an NHS Tutor. There is such a place and it’s called JHS Drop-In. Drop-In is located in the old Blue Flex room, C101B, and is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after school until 3:30.

As the name suggests, you are welcome to simply “drop in” and there will be one or two staff members there to assist you with what you need. If you would like to request a tutor, please scan the QR code posted around the building to fill out the request form, and then wait for an email from Ms. Duncan, Ms. Moore, or Ms. Lauer telling you when your tutor will be available. 

*STUDENT ID’s: Students, if you had your picture taken for the first time on last week’s picture day, your students ID is ready. You can pick up your ID in the main office. 

*TJCOFFEEHOUSE is returning this Friday morning beginning at 8:15 AM. Bring your dollar bills to purchase your favorite treats and beverages including this month’s specialty drink, Pumpkin Spice Latte.