*CLASS REGISTRATION BY FRIDAY! Attention 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students: the deadline to register for next year's classes is this Friday, February 2nd. Please make sure you have entered your desired classes into your Academic Plan on Infinite Campus. Counselors will be visiting classes this week to make sure you have completed this process. Please note that a new music course for next year called World Drumming was not included on your blue registration sheet. You can find this course in the Fine Arts section of your academic plan.
January 31, 2024
*CLASS REGISTRATION BY FRIDAY! Attention 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students: the deadline to register for next year's classes is this Friday, February 2nd. Please make sure you have entered your desired classes into your Academic Plan on Infinite Campus. Counselors will be visiting classes this week to make sure you have completed this process. Please note that a new music course for next year called World Drumming was not included on your blue registration sheet. You can find this course in the Fine Arts section of your academic plan.
January 30, 2024
*CONGRATULATIONS CHEER TEAM! The Jefferson Varsity Cheer Team won 1st place in both Game Day and Traditional at the state tournament this past weekend. This was their last competition before they leave for nationals in Florida where they will compete for their 5th national title the weekend of February 9th. Best of luck, Cheer Team!
*CLASS REGISTRATION: Attention 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students: the deadline to register for next year's classes is this Friday, February 2nd. Please make sure you have entered your desired classes into your Academic Plan on Infinite Campus. Counselors will be visiting classes this week to make sure you have completed this process. Please note that a new music course for next year called World Drumming was not included on your blue registration sheet. You can find this course in the Fine Arts section of your academic plan.
January 29, 2024
*ACCESS TESTING: Staff and Students! To accommodate ACCESS testing today, there will be no bells ringing until noon. Students, please pay attention to the countdown clocks so that you can arrive at your classes on time.
January 26, 2024
*BANDCAKE BREAKFAST: The Jefferson Bands invite you to attend their annual BANDCAKE BREAKFAST & SILENT AUCTION fundraiser this coming Saturday, January 27th from 8am - noon. Pancake showman Chris Cakes from Iowa will wow you with his skills while providing you with a delicious breakfast,and Jefferson band students will entertain you with various musical selections. Tickets are $10 at the door and can be purchased using cash, checks, or Venmo. Take-out will also be available.
January 25, 2024
*COLLEGE SPEAKER: A representative from the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University will hold an information meeting in the College/Career Center on Wednesday, January 31st at 1:30 PM. Sign up on Naviance to attend.
*BANDCAKE BREAKFAST: The Jefferson Bands invite you to attend their annual BANDCAKE BREAKFAST & SILENT AUCTION fundraiser this coming Saturday, January 27th from 8am - noon. Pancake showman Chris Cakes from Iowa will wow you with his skills while providing you with a delicious breakfast, and Jefferson band students will entertain you with various musical selections. Tickets are $10 at the door and can be purchased using cash, checks, or Venmo. Take-out will also be available.
January 24, 2024
*COLLEGE SPEAKER: A representative from the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University will hold an informational meeting in the College/Career Center on Wednesday, January 31st at 1:30 PM. Sign up on Naviance to attend.
*BPS SENIOR ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS: BPS is accepting nominations for its annual Senior Achievement Awards program, which recognizes outstanding Jefferson and Kennedy high school seniors. Parents, caregivers, community members, employers, faith leaders, and school staff may nominate seniors who demonstrate excellence in or make contributions to the school and community in one of four areas: artistic excellence, curricular excellence, leadership, or volunteerism. Nomination forms are available online and must be received by 4 p.m. on Friday, February 9.
January 23, 2024
*BANDCAKE FUNDRAISER: The Jefferson Bands invite you to attend their annual BANDCAKE BREAKFAST & SILENT AUCTION fundraiser this coming Saturday, January 27th from 8 am-noon. Pancake showman Chris Cakes from Iowa will wow you with his skills while providing you with a delicious breakfast, and Jefferson band students will entertain you with various musical selections. Tickets are $10 at the door and can be purchased using cash, checks, or Venmo. Take-out will also be available.
January 22, 2024
*BANDCAKE BREAKFAST: The Jefferson Bands invite you to attend their annual BANDCAKE BREAKFAST & SILENT AUCTION fundraiser this coming Saturday, January 27th from 8am - noon. Pancake showman Chris Cakes from Iowa will wow you with his skills while providing you with a delicious breakfast, and Jefferson band students will entertain you with various musical selections. Tickets are $10 at the door and can be purchased using cash, checks, or Venmo. Take-out will also be available. Hope to see you there!
January 19, 2024
*CROOKED QUILL: If you enjoy writing, painting, drawing, or other forms of visual art, you should consider submitting your work to the Jefferson Literary Magazine, The Crooked Quill. This is your chance to show off your creative work and be published! If you are interested in submitting work to the magazine, you can find one of the many flyers around school and scan the QR code for more information, or you can submit directly to jeffersonlitmagazine.com. See Mr. Hupton in room C5 if you have any questions. The deadline for submissions is February 2.
January 17, 2024
*HENNEPIN TECH TOUR: If you’re thinking of registering for BCCA classes next year and are interested in hands-on classes in Auto Tech, Motion Control, or Powersport Engines, consider going on a tour of Hennepin Technical College. The field trip is on January 25th from 11:30 - 2PM. The deadline to register is this Friday, January 19th. Use the posted QR codes to register as soon as possible. Spots are limited.
January 12, 2024
*CAREER SPEAKER: Are you interested in being an Engineer? A career speaker will be here to tell you more about opportunities in this field on Thursday, January 25 during ASEM. Sign up on Naviance if you’d like to attend.
*LONG WEEKEND: Students, just a reminder that there is no school on Monday or Tuesday. We will see you back in class on Wednesday, January 17th. Enjoy your long weekend!
January 11, 2024
January 9, 2024
*GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD: There will be a meeting for all girls interested in participating in track and field this Thursday after school in C19. See Coach Faulk with questions.
*PSEO INFO MEETING: The counseling department is hosting a PSEO informational meeting in the front of the auditorium this Wednesday, January 10th during Advisory. The meeting is for current 10th and 11th graders who might be interested in PSEO courses for the next school year. Go to the counseling office if you’d like more information.
*THE CROOKED QUILL: If you enjoy writing, painting, drawing, or other forms of visual art, you should consider submitting your work to the Jefferson Literary Magazine, The Crooked Quill. This is your chance to show off your creative work and be published! If you are interested in submitting work to the magazine, you can find one of the many flyers around school and scan the QR code for more information, or you can submit directly to jeffersonlitmagazine.com. See Mr. Hupton in room C5 if you have any questions. The deadline for submissions is February 2.
January 8, 2024
*SCUBA CLUB: The Jefferson SCUBA CLUB will be holding another informational meeting this Thursday, January 11th during ASEM. If you’d like to attend, sign up with Mr. Stenbeck in C126 or Mr. Fretland in the band room.
*TRACK AND FIELD MEETING: There will be a Boys Track and Field meeting this Wednesday, January 10 in room C127 during the 2nd half of Advisory. Please see Coach Leverenz if you have any questions or if you can’t attend the meeting.
*BASEBALL MEETING: There will be a Jefferson Baseball meeting this Thursday, January 11 in the Activity Center during the 2nd half of ASEM. Please see Coach Gess if you have any questions or if you can’t attend the meeting.
*BCCA CLASSES AT HENNEPIN TECH: If you’re thinking of registering for BCCA classes next year and are interested in hands-on classes in Auto Tech, Motion Control, or Powersport Engines, consider joining them on a tour of Hennepin Technical College. The field trip is on January 25th from 11:30 - 2PM. The deadline to register is Friday, January 19th. Use the posted QR codes to register as soon as possible. Spots are limited.
*PSEO MEETING FOR STUDENTS: The counseling department is hosting a PSEO informational meeting in the front of the auditorium this Wednesday, January 10th during ASEM. The meeting is for current 10th and 11th graders who might be interested in PSEO courses for the next school year. Go to the counseling office if you’d like more information.
January 5, 2024
*PSEO INFO MEETING: The counseling department is hosting a PSEO informational meeting in the front of the auditorium on Wednesday, January 10th during ASEM for current 10th and 11th graders who might be interested in PSEO courses for the 2024-2025 school year. Go to the counseling office if you’d like more information.
January 4, 2024
*AUDITIONS: The Jefferson Theater Company encourages you to try out for their upcoming production of Fiddler on the Roof. Register to audition at jeffersontheatrecompany.org for an acting role or to fill a tech role. Video auditions are due by January 19th. See the school monitors for more information.
*BOYS TRACK AND FIELD: There will be a Boys Track and Field meeting on Wednesday, January 10 in room C127 during the 2nd half of Advisory. Please see Coach Leverenz if you have any questions or if you can’t attend the meeting.
*BASEBALL: There will be a Jefferson Baseball meeting on Thursday, January 11 in the Activity Center during the 2nd half of ASEM. Please see Coach Gess if you have any questions or if you can’t attend the meeting.
January 3, 2024
*AUDITIONS: The Jefferson Theater Company encourages you to try out for their upcoming production of Fiddler on the Roof. Register at jeffersontheatrecompany.org to audition for an acting role or to fill a tech role. Video auditions are due by January 19th. See the school monitors for more information.
*CROOKED QUILL: Do you enjoy writing poetry, short stories, memoirs, or plays? Are you an artist who loves photography, painting, drawing, or other forms of visual art? If so, then you should consider submitting work to the Jefferson Literary Magazine, The Crooked Quill. This is your chance to show off your creative work and be published! If you are interested in submitting work to the magazine, you can find one of the many flyers around school and view the QR code for more information or you can submit directly to jeffersonlitmagazine.com. See Mr. Hupton in room C5 if you have any questions. The deadline for submissions is February 2.