*CONGRATULATIONS SHOW CHOIRS: Congratulations to the Jefferson Show Choirs for a great weekend in St. Paul at the ROCK THE NORTH competition. JIVE won first runner up in Division A and Connection made finals and took home the 2nd runner up trophy. In addition, Zoey Edeburn was recognized as Best Soloist and Olivia Hindt was awarded the Showstopper Award.
*JHS CHEER TEAM NATIONAL CHAMPIONS: Our Jefferson Cheer team traveled to Florida and won yet another National Championship in the Small Division Game Day Competition, an event they have dominated over the past years. Congratulations to our Cheer Team!
*SPEECH TEAM WINS FIRST: Congratulations to our Speech team for placing 1st as a team at the STMA Tournament on Saturday. Many of our students placed well in the finals, with 1st place designations going to Carolyn Heisel in Impromptu and Amelia Busse in Prose. A special congratulations to Charles Lindstrom who has earned his first bid for the National Tournament in Nebraska this May for Extemporaneous Speaking. Well done, Speech team!
*GIRLS GOLF: For all girls interested in playing golf this spring, there will be an informational meeting in C23 tomorrow, February 13 at 2:45 pm. See coach Carlson with any questions.
*BOYS LACROSSE: Attention anyone interested in Boys Lacrosse! We are having an informational meeting during Academic Seminar this Wednesday, February 14th.
*INTERNSHIPS AVAILABLE: Bloom in Bloomington is a youth workforce development program that matches young people with summer internship experiences within the city of Bloomington. High school interns can expect to be paid a minimum of $15 per hour. If you’re interested in a summer internship opportunity that will look great on your college applications, you can apply by using the posted QR code. Applications are due by March 3. Check with Ms. Wallerick in the College/Career Center if you have any questions.