*GIRLS GOLF: For all girls interested in playing golf this spring, there will be an information meeting today at 2:45 pm in room C23. See coach Carlson with any questions.
*BOYS LACROSSE: Attention anyone interested in Boys Lacrosse! There is an information meeting during Academic Seminar tomorrow, Feb 14 in room C107.
*INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: Bloom in Bloomington is a youth workforce development program that matches young people with summer internship experiences within the city of Bloomington. High school interns can expect to be paid a minimum of $15 per hour. If you’re interested in a summer internship opportunity that will look great on your college applications, you can apply by using the posted QR code. Applications are due by March 3. Check with Ms. Wallerick in the College/Career Center if you have any questions.
*PARKING PERMITS: Don’t forget to register for your Trimester 3 parking permits; the sooner the better so that you can reserve your spot before they sell out. Students will be expected to have their permit displayed in their car beginning the first day of the new trimester. Register now and then pick up your permit from the main office beginning on Monday, February 26.