*BOYS LACROSSE: Attention anyone interested in Boys Lacrosse! There is an informational meeting during Academic Seminar today in room C107. Again, It's a boys lacrosse meeting in Coach Cater’s room, C107, during ASEM.
*PARKING PERMITS FOR TRI 3: Don’t forget to register for your Trimester 3 parking permits; the sooner the better so that you can reserve your spot before they sell out. Students will be expected to have their permit displayed in their car beginning the first day of the new Trimester. Register now and then pick up your permit from the main office beginning on Monday, February 26.
*JHS DROP-IN: There are 10 school days until finals and 12 school days left in the trimester! Take advantage of the amazing teachers involved in our after-school JHS Drop-In who sign up to help you with your academic needs. There are only 8 scheduled "Drop In's" left this trimester, so don't wait. Plan to come and get the help you need. As a reminder, Drop-In is not open on the days we have finals, so plan accordingly.