February 27, 2025

*SENIOR SUPERLATIVE NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN!  It's time to nominate your classmates for the senior superlatives in the yearbook! Just pick a senior for a superlative category. You've got until Thursday to get your nominations in, and then on Friday, we’ll post a ballot with the top 4 nominees for each category. Thanks for getting involved!

*HOMEWORK HELP: Next week, after school Drop-In will be open on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, just in time for finals! Take advantage of the help and the extra day to study!

*GIRLS VOLLEYBALL MEETINGS: We would like to invite all players interested in the 2025 Girls Volleyball season to attend one of our upcoming meetings. There are two sessions available on March 4th, and players only need to attend one. 

- The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 4th at 2:45 PM in the JHS Media Center for players only.

- The second meeting will take place on the same day at 6 PM in the JHS Media Center and will be open to both parents and players.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to reach out to Crystal Dohlman, the head coach, at crystaldohlman@hotmail.com.

*FOOD DRIVE: NHS is hosting a food drive for VEAP this week, February 24-28. Donate non-perishable food as a way to give back to the community and for a chance to win gift cards and donuts! For more information on how to donate, use the QR code posted throughout the building.

*TRIMESTER 3 PARKING PERMITS: Don’t put off registering for your Trimester 3 parking permit any longer! Follow the link online and get registered as soon as possible. Reserved permits will be available for pick up in the main office beginning on Monday, March 3. You are expected to have the permit in your car on the first day of trimeter 3.

February 26, 2025

*SENIOR SUPERLATIVE NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN!  It's time to nominate your classmates for the senior superlatives in the yearbook! Just pick a senior for a superlative category. You've got until Thursday to get your nominations in, and then on Friday, we’ll post a ballot with the top 4 nominees for each category. Thanks for getting involved!

*GIRLS VOLLEYBALL MEETINGS: We would like to invite all players interested in the 2025 Girls Volleyball season to attend one of our upcoming meetings. There are two sessions available on March 4th, and players only need to attend one. 

- The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 4th at 2:45 PM in the JHS Media Center for players only.

- The second meeting will take place on the same day at 6 PM in the JHS Media Center and will be open to both parents and players.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to reach out to Crystal Dohlman, the head coach, at crystaldohlman@hotmail.com.

*BLOOD DRIVE: The Red Cross Club is having a blood drive this week on Thursday, February 27th in the main gym. Anyone 16 years old and older can sign up using the QR codes posted around the school. Students who are 16 years old need a consent form located at the information table at lunch and Ms. Brooke-Beyer's room (C15). 

*BOYS LACROSSE: If you are interested in learning more about playing boys lacrosse this spring, attend the meeting during ASEM this WEDNESDAY (2/26) in Coach Cater’s room, C107. If you are brand new to Jefferson Lacrosse, please fill out this INTEREST FORM.

*FOOD DRIVE: NHS is hosting a food drive for VEAP this week, February 24-28. Donate non-perishable food as a way to give back to the community and for a chance to win gift cards and donuts! For more information on how to donate, use the QR code posted throughout the building.

*TRIMESTER 3 PARKING PERMITS: Don’t put off registering for your Trimester 3 parking permit any longer! Follow the link online and get registered as soon as possible. Reserved permits will be available for pick up in the main office beginning on Monday, March 3. You are expected to have the permit in your car on the first day of trimeter 3.

February 25, 2025

*BLOOD DRIVE: The Red Cross Club is having a blood drive this week on Thursday, February 27th in the main gym. Anyone 16 years old and older can sign up using the QR codes posted around the school. Students who are 16 years old need a consent form located at the information table at lunch and Ms. Brooke-Beyer's room (C15). 

*BOYS LACROSSE: If you are interested in learning more about playing boys lacrosse this spring, attend the meeting during ASEM this WEDNESDAY (2/26) in Coach Cater’s room, C107. If you are brand new to Jefferson Lacrosse, please fill out this INTEREST FORM.

*TRIMESTER 3 PARKING PERMITS: Don’t put off registering for your Trimester 3 parking permit any longer! Follow the link online and get registered as soon as possible. Reserved permits will be available for pick up in the main office beginning on Monday, March 3. You are expected to have the permit in your car on the first day of trimeter 3.

*FOOD DRIVE: NHS is hosting a food drive for VEAP this week, February 24-28. Donate non-perishable food as a way to give back to the community and for a chance to win gift cards and donuts! For more information on how to donate, use the QR code posted throughout the building.

*HOMEWORK HELP REMINDER! Students, please remember - you've got some awesome staff to help you with any homework or study help after school on Tuesday and Thursday THIS WEEK. We look forward to seeing you there!

February 24, 2025

*BOYS LACROSSE: If you are interested in learning more about playing boys lacrosse this spring, attend the meeting during ASEM this WEDNESDAY (2/26) in Coach Cater’s room, C107. If you are brand new to Jefferson Lacrosse, please fill out this INTEREST FORM.

*TRIMESTER 3 PARKING PERMITS: Don’t put off registering for your Trimester 3 parking permit any longer! Follow the link online and get registered as soon as possible. Reserved permits will be available for pick up in the main office beginning on Monday, March 3. You are expected to have the permit in your car on the first day of Trimeter 3.

*FOOD DRIVE: NHS is hosting a food drive for VEAP this week, February 24-28. Donate non-perishable food as a way to give back to the community and for a chance to win gift cards and donuts! For more information on how to donate, use the QR code posted throughout the building.

*VIDEO CONTEST: Create a video that highlights the importance of MANUFACTURING IN MN for your chance to win prizes up to $750. The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2025. Scan the QR code on the school slideshow for more information.

*HOMEWORK HELP REMINDER! Students, please remember - you've got some awesome staff to help you with any homework or study help after school on Tuesday and Thursday THIS WEEK. We look forward to seeing you there!

February 21, 2025

*FOOD DRIVE: NHS is hosting a food drive for VEAP next week, February 24-28. Donate non- perishable food as a way to give back to the community and for a chance to win gift cards and donuts! For more information on how to donate, use the QR code posted throughout the building.

*The JEFFERSON ULTIMATE FRISBEE TEAM is eagerly looking to recruit new members for the upcoming season! This is open for all players, regardless of skill level. Practices are flexible and don’t interfere with other sports. You are invited to fill out the INTEREST FORM for more information. Discover the thrill of teamwork, the joy of competition, and the unforgettable memories waiting to be made!

February 20, 2025

*FOOD DRIVE: NHS is hosting a food drive for VEAP next week, February 24-28. Donate non-perishable food as a way to give back to the community and for a chance to win gift cards and donuts! For more information on how to donate, use the QR code posted throughout the building.

*The JEFFERSON ULTIMATE FRISBEE TEAM is eagerly looking to recruit new members for the upcoming season! This is open for all players, regardless of skill level. Practices are flexible and don’t interfere with other sports. You are invited to fill out the INTEREST FORM for more information. Discover the thrill of teamwork, the joy of competition, and the unforgettable memories waiting to be made!

*COLLEGE VISITS: Representatives from the following colleges/universities will be visiting the Career College center next week. Sign up on Naviance to attend.

   University of Wisconsin, River Falls - Feb. 24

   MN State University, Moorhead - Feb 25

   UW Stout - Feb. 25

   University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse - Feb. 26

*JOB FAIR: We're excited to announce our upcoming Summer Job Fair, designed to connect you with employers eager to hire students like you for summer opportunities.

This event will feature approximately 30 employers, all ready to help you take the next step toward gaining valuable work experience, financial independence, and even a head start on your future career path.

Event Details:

  • Date/Location: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 in the Main Gym

  • Time: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM

If you’re interested in attending, please fill out this Registration form to secure your spot.

February 19, 2025

*CONGRATULATIONS to our finalists from the 55th ANNUAL BLOOMINGTON SPEECH TOURNAMENT! Placing in Novice Finals were Liam Carroll, Serrah Ssemutuku, and Alexander Frank. Placing in Honor Finals were Mina Moore, Sunny Baldwin, and Kerris Vaupel. Thank you to the speech team for representing Jefferson so well!

The JEFFERSON ULTIMATE FRISBEE TEAM is eagerly looking to recruit new members for the upcoming season! This is open for all players, regardless of skill level. Practices are flexible and don’t interfere with other sports. You are invited to fill out the INTEREST FORM for more information. Discover the thrill of teamwork, the joy of competition, and the unforgettable memories waiting to be made!

*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer or artist, please consider submitting work to the Jefferson Literary Magazine, The Crooked Quill. We accept poetry, short stories, short memoirs, visual art, photography, etc. The deadline to submit is February 20. Please send any submission to jeffersonlitmagazine@gmail.com.

February 18, 2025

*The JEFFERSON ULTIMATE FRISBEE TEAM is eagerly looking to recruit new members for the upcoming season! This is open for all players, regardless of skill level. Practices are flexible and don’t interfere with other sports. You are invited to fill out the INTEREST FORM for more information. Discover the thrill of teamwork, the joy of competition, and the unforgettable memories waiting to be made!
*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer or artist, please consider submitting work to the Jefferson Literary Magazine, The Crooked Quill. We accept poetry, short stories, short memoirs, visual art, photography, etc. The deadline to submit is February 20. Please send any submission to jeffersonlitmagazine@gmail.com.
*JOB FAIR: We're excited to announce our upcoming Summer Job Fair, designed to connect you with employers eager to hire students like you for summer opportunities.
This event will feature approximately 30 employers, all ready to help you take the next step toward gaining valuable work experience, financial independence, and even a head start on your future career path.
Event Details:
Date/Location: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 in the Main Gym
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
If you’re interested in attending, please fill out this Registration form to secure your spot.
*VIDEO CONTEST: Create a video that highlights the importance of MANUFACTURING IN MN for your chance to win prizes up to $750. The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2025. Scan the QR code on the school slideshow for more information.

February 14, 2025

*RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS WEEK IS FEBRUARY 9-15: Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week and Day were created to promote kindness and inspire positive actions. RAK Day started in 1995 by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation and is celebrated on February 17 each year. It encourages small, thoughtful acts that spread positivity. Do something kind for someone this week! 

*LOST AND FOUND: Be sure to check the Lost and Found tables in Flag Hall for your missing water bottles, lunch bags, and clothing. Check in the main office for smaller, more valuable items such as electronics, keys, and jewelry. Any item unclaimed by the end of the school day on Friday (2/14) may be donated or repurposed.

*GIRLS GOLF MEETING on Friday, 2/14 at 2:37 in room C23. This is a brief but important meeting!

*BOYS GOLF MEETING after school on Tuesday, 2/18 in room C28. The meeting is open to anyone interested in playing golf this spring.

*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer or artist, please consider submitting work to the Jefferson Literary Magazine, The Crooked Quill. We accept poetry, short stories, short memoirs, visual art, photography, etc. The deadline to submit is February 20. Please send any submission to jeffersonlitmagazine@gmail.com.

*REMINDER - no school on Monday. We look forward to seeing you back on Tuesday, February 18.

February 13, 2025

*TODAY: Block Schedule (2,4,6) + ASEM

*CONGRATULATIONS TO SENIOR JENNY WEN who is a National Honorable Mention recipient of the 2025 Aspirations in Computing High School Award program, presented by the National Center for Women and Information Technology. Way to go, Jenny!

*RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS WEEK IS FEBRUARY 9-15: Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week and Day were created to promote kindness and inspire positive actions. RAK Day started in 1995 by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation and is celebrated on February 17 each year. It encourages small, thoughtful acts that spread positivity. Do something kind for someone this week! 

*LOST AND FOUND: Be sure to check the Lost and Found tables in Flag Hall for your missing water bottles, lunch bags, and clothing. Check in the main office for smaller, more valuable items such as electronics, keys, and jewelry. Any item unclaimed by the end of the school day on Friday (2/14) may be donated or repurposed.

*GIRLS GOLF MEETING on Friday, 2/14 at 2:37 in room C23. This is a brief but important meeting!

*BOYS GOLF MEETING after school on Tuesday, 2/18 in room C28. The meeting is open to anyone interested in playing golf this spring.

*SENIOR ACHIEVEMENT NOMINATIONS:  Nominations are open for the BPS Senior Achievement Awards. Nominate an outstanding senior by Feb. 14.  Nomination forms and more information can be found at bit.ly/bps-saa25

*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer or artist, please consider submitting work to the Jefferson Literary Magazine, The Crooked Quill. We accept poetry, short stories, short memoirs, visual art, photography, etc. The deadline to submit is February 20. Please send any submission to jeffersonlitmagazine@gmail.com.

*SPIRIT WEEK: 2/10-2/14

  Monday is RED DAY

  Tuesday is TWIN DAY

  Wednesday is WE LOVE JEFFERSON (Blue and White) DAY


  Friday is PINK DAY