March 3, 2025

*CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR SHOW CHOIRS, Jefferson JIVE, Jefferson Connection, and our amazing Show Band for a wonderful season! Jefferson JIVE did great this year placing in three out of five competitions, including a 3rd place award this weekend at Totino Grace. The Show Band was recognized as the "Best Band" for their excellent support of the show choirs. Lastly, the varsity CONNECTION choir accomplished something remarkable that hasn't happened in 15 years: they made it to the finals and placed in every competition for two years in a row. Great job, show choirs and band!

If you’d like to see any of these groups in action, you are invited to attend the annual SHOWCASE on March 14 and 15.

*CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SPEECH TEAM FINALISTS from the Shakopee Tournament on Saturday! Charles Lindstrom finished in the Consolation final. Freya Nafziger earned a spot in the Merit final and also secured her first invitation to the national tournament. In the Next-In final were Kerris Vaupel and Charles Lindstrom. Great job, everyone!

*CONGRATULATIONS TO KYLIE JONES who has been announced as Jefferson’s 2025 ATHENA AWARD winner. The Athena Award is given each year to the outstanding female athlete in the senior class. She will be honored by the Minneapolis Athena Banquet committee along with other metro Athena recipients this spring.

TRIMESTER 3 PARKING PERMITS are available for pickup! If you've signed up for one, you can now grab it at the main office. The sooner you pick it up, the less time you'll have to wait in line! Remember, you need to show your permit in your car starting on the first day of the new trimester.

*HOMEWORK HELP BEFORE FINALS: This week, after school Drop-In will be open on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, just in time for finals! Take advantage of the help and the extra day to study!

*GIRLS VOLLEYBALL MEETINGS: We would like to invite all players interested in the 2025 Girls Volleyball season to attend one of our upcoming meetings. There are two sessions available on March 4th, and players only need to attend one. 

- The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 4th at 2:45 PM in the JHS Media Center for players only.

- The second meeting will take place on the same day at 6 PM in the JHS Media Center and will be open to both parents and players.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to reach out to Crystal Dohlman, the head coach, at