March 4, 2025

Monday Tuesday, and Wednesday are 6-period days
Thursday and Friday are FINAL EXAM days. SCHEDULE

*CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR JEFFERSON SCIENCE OLYMPIAD TEAM for achieving three top ten finishes at the State Science Olympiad Tournament! Indy Wobbema and Rosa Herrera were exceptional in Astronomy, Ben Wadzinski and Rylee Throndson excelled in Geologic Mapping, and Indy Wobbema and Nur Arslan were outstanding in Dynamic Planet. Great work, Science Olympiad team!

*ATTENTION ALL AP STUDENTS! Please remember to log into your AP Classroom account and check that you're registered for all the AP Exams you plan to take this year. The absolute final day to sign up for an AP Exam is March 14th. If you don't see all your exams on your AP Classroom homepage, that means you're not signed up. You can log in at If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mr. Lang in C104.


College Meetings on March 13

-University of Nebraska, Lincoln

-MN State Community and Technical College

Career Meetings:

-Criminal Justice - 3/20 during ASEM

-Legal Field - 3/27 during ASEM

TRIMESTER 3 PARKING PERMITS are available for pickup! If you've signed up for one, you can now grab it at the main office. The sooner you pick it up, the less time you'll have to wait in line! Remember, you need to show your permit in your car starting on the first day of the new trimester.

*HOMEWORK HELP BEFORE FINALS: This week, after school Drop-In will be open on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, just in time for finals! Take advantage of the help and the extra day to study!