October 31, 2022

*JTC AUDITIONS: Consider auditioning for The Great Gatsby and/or Les Miserables. Register to audition at jeffersontheatrecompany.org. If you need help preparing for your audition, meet the JTC captains in the cafeteria this Friday, November 4th from 2:30 - 4:30 PM. They can help you select audition monologues and answer your questions. Audition videos are due Friday, November 11th.

*TRIMESTER 2 PARKING: Registration for Trimester 2 parking is now open. Go to the Jefferson website and click on Resources. From there, look for the gold box marked Parking Permits to start your registration. Be sure to register early so that you have your permit before they sell out. Your Trimester 1 permit will no longer be valid once the new trimester begins.

*LUNCH MENU: The lunch menu for the next two days has changed. Tuesday’s lunch will be Mandarin Chicken, and Wednesday’s lunch will be Corn Dogs. 

October 28, 2022

*CAREER SPEAKER: Interested in a career in Computer Science/IT? Learn more about opportunities in this field next Thursday, November 3rd during ASEM. Sign up on Naviance if you’d like to attend.


*JHS AFTER SCHOOL: If you’re looking for somewhere to go after school to get help with organizing, planning, and completing homework, to meet with an NHS tutor, or even just to hang out, consider JHS Drop-In. As the name suggests, you are welcome to simply “drop in” at the old Blue Flex room, C101B after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays until 3:30, and there will be staff members on hand to help you with your needs.

If you would like to request a tutor, please scan the QR code posted around the building to fill out the request form, and then wait for an email from Ms. Duncan, Ms. Moore, or Ms. Lauer telling you when your tutor will be available. 

*STUDENT ID’s: Students, if you had your picture taken for the first time on last week’s picture day, your student ID is ready. You can pick up your ID in the main office. 

October 27, 2022

*STUDENT COUNCIL: Freshmen, if you’d like to vote for your Student Council representative, please use the QR codes posted in hallways. Today is your last day to vote.


*CAREER SPEAKER: Interested in a career in Computer Science/IT? Learn more about opportunities in this field next Thursday, November 3rd during ASEM. Sign up on Naviance if you’d like to attend.


*JHS AFTER SCHOOL: If you’re looking for somewhere to go after school to get help with organizing, planning, and completing homework, to meet with an NHS tutor, or even just to hang out, consider JHS Drop-In. As the name suggests, you are welcome to simply “drop in” at the old Blue Flex room, C101B after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays until 3:30, and there will be staff members on hand to help you with your needs.

If you would like to request a tutor, please scan the QR code posted around the building to fill out the request form, and then wait for an email from Ms. Duncan, Ms. Moore, or Ms. Lauer telling you when your tutor will be available. 

*STUDENT ID’s: Students, if you had your picture taken for the first time on last week’s picture day, your student ID is ready. You can pick up your ID in the main office. 

*TJ COFFEEHOUSE is returning this Friday morning beginning at 8:15 AM. Bring your dollar bills to purchase your favorite treats and beverages including this month’s specialty drink, Pumpkin Spice Latte. 


October 26, 2022

*STUDENT COUNCIL: Freshmen, if you’d like to vote for your Student Council representative, please use the QR codes posted in hallways. The last day to vote is this Thursday.

*JHS DROP-IN: Did you know that there is a place to go after school to get organization, planning, and homework help? Are you looking for a quiet place to work or relax? Or maybe you’d like to request an NHS Tutor. There is such a place and it’s called JHS Drop-In. Drop-In is located in the old Blue Flex room, C101B, and is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after school until 3:30.

As the name suggests, you are welcome to simply “drop in” and there will be one or two staff members there to assist you with what you need. If you would like to request a tutor, please scan the QR code posted around the building to fill out the request form, and then wait for an email from Ms. Duncan, Ms. Moore, or Ms. Lauer telling you when your tutor will be available. 

*STUDENT ID’s: Students, if you had your picture taken for the first time on last week’s picture day, your students ID is ready. You can pick up your ID in the main office. 

*TJCOFFEEHOUSE is returning this Friday morning beginning at 8:15 AM. Bring your dollar bills to purchase your favorite treats and beverages including this month’s specialty drink, Pumpkin Spice Latte. 



October 25, 2022

*CROSS COUNTRY: Boys JV Cross Country equipment turn-in is today right after school on the athletic side of the boys locker room.

*STUDENT COUNCIL VOTING: Freshmen, if you’d like to vote for your Student Council representative, please use the QR codes posted in hallways. The last day to vote is this Thursday.


COLLEGE VISITS: Sign up on Naviance for a college representative visit. Choose from the following college/university meetings for this week:

The University of St. Thomas

St. Olaf College

North Dakota State University

Savannah College of Art and Design

Carroll University

University of MN, Duluth

University of Wisconsin, Platteville


*STUDENT ID’s: Students, if you had your picture taken on the picture retake day last week, your students ID is ready. You can pick up your ID in the main office. 




October 18, 2022

*SOCCER: All boys soccer players! Please turn in your uniform, equipment, and lock today right after school in the boys locker room.

*LHSU: The Latinx Hispanic Student Union or LHSU would like to welcome everyone to join them for their first meeting in room C14 on Monday after school. This introductory meeting will help give focus to the LHSU and allow everyone to meet each other. They will have some activities and prizes for those who attend and look forward to seeing you there! See Ms. Schmaltz with any questions. 


*FOOTBALL AT TCO: Just a friendly reminder that there are no passes of any kind allowed at the football game tonight. You must purchase a ticket online; cash will not be accepted at the venue. You’ll find the link to purchase tickets in your email or you may use the QR code provided at the game.

September 17, 2022

*STUDENT COUNCIL: Reminder for Freshmen who want to run for student council! Your forms are due back in the main office today.

*PICTURE RETAKES: Today is picture retake day. Pictures are being taken in the auditorium. Ask a teacher or check the schedule hanging outside of the main office for your assigned picture time. Go to the main office if you have any questions.

*UNITY DAY: Tomorrow is Unity Day! To show support against bullying, staff and students are encouraged to wear orange to school. If you don’t have any orange clothing, feel free to wear your Jefferson gear.

October 14, 2022

*BASKETBALL: There will be a very important Boys Basketball meeting on Monday, October 17th before school at 7:30am in the auditorium. 

*CROOKED QUILL: If you are a writer, artist, or photographer looking for a place to share your creative work, consider submitting your poetry, short stories, memoirs, plays, visual art, photography and more to Jefferson’s literary magazine, The Crooked Quill. Send your submissions to jeffersonlitmagazine@gmail.com by Friday, February 3rd. If you have questions, contact Mr. Hupton. We can’t wait to see all of your great creative work.

*The Jefferson Theater Company will be putting on their production of TINKERBELL this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Tickets for this family-friendly production are on sale now. Go to  jeffersontheatrecompany.org for showtimes and tickets.


*PICTURE RETAKES/MAKE UP: Picture retake day will be this coming Monday, October 17. If you have not had your picture taken yet or if you would like to have your picture retaken, this will be your last opportunity. You won’t get a student ID if you don’t have a picture taken!  This includes seniors! Ask a teacher or see the posted schedule outside of the main office for your assigned picture time.

*LOST AND FOUND: Be sure to check in the main office for your lost items. We have had many water bottles, lunch bags, clothing items, and electronics turned in lately and would love for you to come and claim them! This also includes jewelry and other items that were left at the Homecoming dance. Be sure to stop by!

October 13, 2022

*There will be a very important Boys Basketball meeting on Monday, October 17th before school at 7:30am in the auditorium. 

*Are you a writer, artist, or photographer? If so, you should consider submitting your work to The Crooked Quill, Jefferson's literary arts magazine. We accept poetry, short stories, memoirs, plays, visual art, photography and more. This is a great way to showcase the great artistic talent we have here at Jefferson. Send your submissions to jeffersonlitmagazine@gmail.com. The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 3rd, but don't procrastinate! If you have any questions, contact Mr. Hupton. We can't wait to see all your great creative work!

*The Jefferson Theater Company will be putting on their production of TINKERBELL this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Tickets for this family-friendly production are on sale now. Go to  jeffersontheatrecompany.org for showtimes and tickets.


*Picture retake day will be this coming Monday, October 17. If you have not had your picture taken yet or if you would like to have your picture retaken, this will be your last opportunity. You won’t get a student ID if you don’t have a picture taken!  Pictures are scheduled by grade level. Ask a teacher or see the posted schedule outside of the main office for your assigned picture time. Seniors, if you want a student ID, you need to have your pictures taken as well.

*Be sure to check in the main office for your lost items. We have had many water bottles, lunch bags, and clothing items turned in lately and would love for you to come and claim them! This includes jewelry and other items that were left at the Homecoming dance. 

*Students, be sure to check your schedule for your Advisory room assignments for today.

October 12, 2022

*BASKETBALL: There will be a very important Boys Basketball meeting on Monday, October 17th before school at 7:30 AM in the auditorium. 

*PICTURE RETAKE day will be this coming Monday, October 17. If you have not had your picture taken or if you would like to have your picture retaken, this will be your last opportunity. You won’t get a student ID if you don’t have a picture taken!  Pictures are scheduled by grade level. Ask a teacher or see the posted schedule outside of the main office for your assigned picture time. Seniors, if you want a student ID you need to have your pictures taken as well.

*ADVISORY: Students, be sure to check your schedule for your Advisory room assignments for today.

*BELLS: Due to the PSAT testing today there will be no bells or announcements for the remainder of the day. The countdown clocks will still be running, so students are expected to make it to classes on time.

October 11, 2022

*LACROSSE: Anyone interested in BOYS LACROSSE should attend an informational meeting during Academic Seminar this Wednesday in Coach Cater's Room, C107. 
*VOTER REGISTRATION: Attention seniors, if you will be 18 years old on or before November 8th, you can vote in the upcoming election! If you need help getting registered to vote, we will have representatives from the League of Women Voters available during lunches today that can help you with the voter registration process.

*STUDENT COUNCIL: Freshman! Are you interested in being a member of the Student Council? If so, starting today you can pick up a Student Council form in the main office.

October 10, 2022

*LACROSSE: Anyone interested in BOYS LACROSSE should attend an informational meeting during Academic Seminar this Wednesday in Coach Cater's Room C107.
*STUDENT COUNCIL: Freshman! Are you interested in being a member of the Student Council? If so, starting tomorrow you can pick up a Student Council form in the main office.

*VOTER REGISTRATION: Attention seniors, if you will be 18 years old on or before November 8th, you can vote in the upcoming election! Need help registering to vote? We will have representatives from the League of Women Voters available during lunches tomorrow that can help you with the voter registration process. 

October 5, 2022

*To all students interested in Science Olympiad, there will be a meeting today after school in Mr. Leverenz's room, C127. 
*Attention boys who signed up for the Powerbuff Volleyball tournament! Practices will be held right after school today. 9th and 10th grade should report to the Activity Center and 11th and 12th grade should report to the main gym. The tournament begins at 7PM tonight.

*In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, students will be sharing some tasty treats in Flag Hall after school today. Please stop by, grab a treat, and say hello on your way out the door.

*Homecoming Dance tickets will be available for purchase once again today at lunch. Tomorrow will be your last opportunity so don’t forget. Tickets are $15 cash or check made to ISD271.

*Spirit wear for tomorrow is Bikers vs Surfers!

*Students, today is an Advisory day. Please report to your Advisory classroom after 1st period.

October 4, 2022

*To all students interested in Science Olympiad, there will be a meeting tomorrow, October 5th after school in Mr. Leverenz's room, C127. 

*The Homecoming Spirit Day tomorrow is Jersey Day. Show your homecoming spirit by wearing a team jersey of your choice.

*This is the final reminder that dance guest forms are due in the main office today by 3PM. Remember, your guest's school must return the form. No hand-delivered forms can be accepted.

October 3, 2022

*HOMECOMING: Homecoming tickets will go on sale today during the lunch periods for $15 each. Students are allowed to purchase one ticket unless they have received an email stating that their outside guest form has cleared. Don’t forget to take care of any fees/obligations before you go to buy tickets.

*SPIRIT WEEK: Homecoming week continues tomorrow with Adam Sandler Day.

*BCCA BUS SCHEDULE CHANGE: The bus schedule for today has changed because of the Homecoming Coronation: If you attend 3rd/4th period BCCA classes, your bus will leave Jefferson at 10:22 this morning. If you attend 5th/6th period BCCA classes, your bus will leave Jefferson at 12:48 this afternoon.